Meaningless Words Meaningless Words

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Always in our Hearts

This post is in memory of the awesomeness that was bestowed upon the world on the 17th of Feb 2008: to be sepcific, the Magazine Dress.

"In memory"? you ask.
That's right.
It is now an object of the past.
Because SOMEONE'S [ *coughs* meltem's *coughs* ] brother threw it out.

It is now probably in a dump somewhere, instead of in paris, which i am positive, was it's destiny *cries*

♥ ♥ ♥

In other, less devastating news, i went ice skating with some of the best people on earth (i'm not even exagerating there).


It sucks that all my best friends and i are all seperated, but it's okay, cos i have just as awesome friends at uni now. hehe.

Until next time...
9:47 PM
Saturday, February 20, 2010
20 Things

When i started blogging, i looked around at some of the blogs my friends had. Just to get an idea of what to do with this space. I guess so far, im using it well, cos i seem to be getting alot of positive comments! yay!

Anyway, the point of me telling you that, was that i came across a blog by a friend of a friend [who i'd like to get to know so that he can be upgraded to a "friend"] who writes the most amaazzzinnggg blogs & stories: KURTIS. Seriously, check out some of his writing, it's honestly breath-taking!

So after reading his stuff, i searched around for some of my old stories. They're nothing serious. Here's one that i'm pretty fond of though. It's one of those really fluffy, teeny stories, but it won me $150 (which i blew in one night) in a competition in year 11. Let me know what you think!

It started with the article, not just an article, but the article; there is a definite difference. Any other article in a magazine might be giggled at, seriously pondered, or even cried over, but the article was going to change an aspect of her life that she never thought would change.

And it was all Lydia’s fault.

And the unmerciful force that made her buy the damn thing. The stupid magazine, Perfection.

It was Saturday night, and Mia had her closest friends over. Lydia, Maddie, Kate, Adam and Justin. She had known them all since they were little kids, getting food everywhere, colouring outside the lines, and eating raw cookie dough. And here they all were today, telling lame jokes, laughing till they couldn’t breathe, and eating raw cookie dough. Some things never change…although Mia’s life was about to do just that.

Lydia and Maddie were arguing over the magazine Perfection, while Kate and Adam where watching and cheering on. Mia and Justin where on the other side of the room sprawled on Mia’s bed talking and laughing.

“Oh. My. Gosh. This is soooo cute!” Lydia said, in her girly voice. She had won possession over the magazine, and was examining it’s cover, reading the headlines.
“What?” screeched Maddie.
“It’s an article. 20 Things the Perfect Guy Would Do.”
“Ooohh. That’d be good for Mia!”
“Huh?” Mia asked, turning away from Justin. “I heard my name.”
“Come and read this!”
“What? Why?”
“You’re so picky with guys. Come and read this.”
“Do I have to?” Mia replied defensively. Lydia, Maddie and Kate all gave her the look. The look that made even the strongest of men whimper in fear.
This wasn’t the first time Mia had been forced into reading an article about love and relationships. Maddie, Lydia and Kate made it their mission in life to find Mia a boyfriend. They had failed every time. Mia wasn’t interested in any old guy. She wanted one. The perfect one. This article no doubt was yet another attempt to get her to realise that having a boyfriend was something worth doing. Even if it was just for the fun of it, and not for love.
Adam, knowing how much Mia hated reading these articles, began to laugh and only stopped when Justin threw a shoe at him. Justin gave Mia a sympathetic smile, and leaned over to her to whisper, “They can smell fear, you know. There’s no use running”
A small smile graced Mia’s lips, but immediately disappeared when a loud shriek of “MIA!” came from the other side of the room. Adam didn’t bother to hide his laughter this time. Justin found her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
Mia almost laughed at the ridiculousness of this. You would think she was going to war, rather than going to read an article out of a glossy girl’s magazine. How could she even compare the two?

This was much worse.

Mia reluctantly got up from her bed, and walked to the others. Lydia handed over the magazine.
“Page 32,” Kate said. Typical…she had already memorised the page number.
Mia flipped to page 32, and read the headline aloud. “20 Things the Perfect Guy Would Do.” A snort came from Adam, and as Mia glanced over to glare at him, she noticed the small smile on Justin’s face. She was about to glare at him too, but he winked at her, and she couldn’t help but smile back.
“Do I have to read it out loud?” she asked, hoping the answer was no.
“You may as well,” Maddie replied. Mia sighed and began to read.
“Number 1: Know how to make you smile when you feel down.”

Justin gave Mia a sympathetic smile, and leaned over to her to whisper, “They can smell fear, you know. There’s no use running”
A small smile graced Mia’s lips.

“Number 2: Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.”

“Justin, what are you doing?”
“Um, what shampoo do you use?”
He shrugged, “It just smells good, that’s all.”

Did she have to read this, how was this going to convince her into getting a boyfriend?

“Number 3: Stick up for you, but still respect your independence.”

“What’s the matter nerd? Going to cry?” He started laughing, but immediately halted when Justin’s fist came into contact with his face.
He staggered backwards, clutching his nose. “Always standing up for your nerdy girlfriend, aren’t you, Justin?”
“Don’t call her-“
But Mia interrupted.
“First off, I’m not Justin’s girlfriend. Second off, I suggest you stop calling me a nerd.”
“What are you gonna do? Use your school captain super powers to-”
Mia punched him in the stomach with all the strength she could muster.

“Number 4: Give you the remote control during the game.”
Kate snorted, “No guy would do that!”
“We might!” Adam interrupted.
“As if!” Lydia said, rolling her eyes.
“Well, we might if we liked the girl enough!” Justin said, entering the conversation.

“No, it’s okay. I”ll watch the news and get the scores later”, Justin said, pushing the remote towards her.
“Are you sure? I mean, I can just…” Mia started
“Honestly, it’s fine.”

“Number 5: Play with your hair.”

He played with one of her curly strands of hair, while she read.
“What happened to your hair? It feels…soft.”
“Just a product I use sometimes.” Mia blushed.

“Number 6: His hand always finds yours.”

Justin found her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“Number 7: Be cute when he wants something.”

“Oh please, Mia? Just this once?” he asked begging. “How can you say ‘no’ to a face like this?” He pouted his face, and gave her the puppy eyes.

“Number 8: Dance with you even if he feels like a dork.”

“Mia, come on. You can’t just sit there!”
“Sure I can, watch me.” She sat there, with her arms crossed. Why had she come to this stupid dance anyway?
“Why don’t you dance?”
“I’m here on my own! I can’t just dance by myself!”
“Adam’s here on his own. He’s dancing!” She looked around, and sure enough Adam was dancing with no one in particular, although he occasionally had random people joining in with him.
“I thought you didn’t like dancing Justin.”
“I don’t”
“Then why are you complaining?”
“Because you do!”
“So we shall dance!” He pulled her out of her seat.
“You’re not serious!”
“I am quite serious, Miss Mia. Let us take the perilous journey to the dance floor.”
She laughed.

“Number 9: Will be funny, but knows when to be serious.”

“Sometimes, you just need to go along with things. Trust your instincts.”
“Since when did you become so wise?” She sniffed.
“It shines through occasionally.”
She smiled.

“Number 10: Realises he’s being funny when he needs to be serious.”

“What’d you do? Walk through a blizzard?” he grinned.
She burst into tears, and his grin disappeared.
He wrapped his arms around her, and his voice softened, “Hey, I’m sorry. Want to tell me what happened?”

“Number 11: Be patient when it takes you forever to get ready.”

She rushed down the stairs, “Sorry Justin! You could have left with the others.”
“Nah, I don’t mind waiting.”
“Thanks.” She smiled.

“Number 12: React cutely when you hit him but it doesn’t really hurt.”

“You prat!” she giggled, and slapped him lightly on the arm.
“Argh!” he clutched his arm in exaggerated agony, and fell to the floor in mock pain.
She laughed.

“Number 13: Smile a lot.” She couldn’t begin to name all the examples for this one.

“Number 14: Plans a romantic date full of cheesy things he wouldn’t normally like to do, just because he knows it means a lot to you.”
“What?” Adam broke in. “Why is that so perfect? That’s dumb!”
“I think it’s sweet!” Kate protested.
“Sounds stupid to me!”
“Well then, you’re obviously not a perfect guy!”
“Yeah, that explains the girls lining up to go out with me,” Adam said sarcastically.
“They just think you’re good looking. And that’s not perfect enough”
Adam just blew out a sigh.

“Number 15: Appreciates you.”

She looked up from her maths textbook.
“I…, well..., thanks.”
“What for?”
“Just…everything,’ he replied before getting up and leaving her room.

“Number 16: Always gives you a peck on the cheek when you depart from each others company, even when his friends are watching.”

“Here you go!” she said, passing him a cold bottle of water.
“Thankyou! I really need it!” he said, taking it from her.
“Enjoy the rest of your practice then. Even though it’s a little too hot be playing sport.”
“It’s never too hot for us!” he said grinning, and bent down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
There were catcalls and wolf whistles from Justin’s team mates, but he didn’t seem to care.
She, however, blushed crimson.

“Number 17: Sing, even if he can’t.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Adam asked. “How is that romantic?”

“Now lets all join in the school song!”
There were cheers all around the hall.
“I’ll pass thanks,” Justin mumbled.
“Justin! This is our last day at school! Don’t you think you should join in?”
“But I can’t sing!”
“Well, neither can I, but that’s not stopping me!”
“Fine, if you sing, I will.”
She grinned. “Good! Ready?”

“It’s the thought that they would sing if you asked them!” Maddie said, sounding irritated that she needed to explain this. “More boys should read this article. They’re all clueless!”
“What? That’s not true!” Adam protested.
“It’s especially true about you Adam!” Once again, Adam was forced into silence.

“Number 18: Knows what you’re thinking even when you don’t say it.”

Mia was sitting there in her pyjamas, watching out the window as the car drove away.
"Justin" she whispered. She had so much on her mind, and yet her lips were only able to say that one word.
"I know, Mia" He said, taking her into his arms. "I know."

“This is the most stupidest article I’ve ever read!”
“Technically, Adam, you’re not reading it. And anyway, that’s not really saying much. The only articles you’ve read are sports articles.”
“At least those are worth reading!”

“Number 19: Stare at you.”
“That’s kinda stalker-ish,” Adam said.
“It’s sweet,” Maddie replied scowling at him.

"Do I have something on my face?”
“You’re staring.”
“Sorry…just thinking,” he looked away.

“How is it sweet?”
“It just is! It means he likes looking at you.” Kate said, glaring at Adam.
Adam shook his head.

“And finally, number 20: Be a good friend.”

Now it was just creepy.

Maddie, Lydia and Kate sighed together once again.
“That’s so romantic,” Lydia said dreamily.
“And so unrealistic! There is no guy like that! Not one!” said Adam, who seemed to be quite intimidated by the article.
“Sure there is.” Kate said, grinning. “Just ask Mia.”
Mia who had been looking at the article again, snapped her head up at the mention of her name.
“But Mia doesn’t even have a boyfriend!” said Justin, in an unusually high voice.
“Not yet, anyway,” said Maddie grinning wickedly at Justin.

Oh no. They weren’t implying what she thought they were implying. There was no way they could know what she was thinking. Was there?

“You three are completely nuts!” Adam said looking between Maddie, Kate and Lydia with a mixed expression on his face.
“You can see it too Adam. Can’t you?” Lydia asked.
“I don’t know what you’re on about Lyd.”
“Yes you do.”
“Nuh uh”
“Uh huh”
“Nuh uh”
“Uh huh”
“Nuh huh”
“Well then you’re as blind as those two,” she said pointing at Mia and Justin.
“Err…could you not talk about me and Mia as if we aren’t here?”
They ignored him.

“Ohhhhhh, I get it now!” Adam exclaimed, suddenly realising what the girls were suggesting.
“What?” Mia and Justin asked at the same time.
“They think that you two-”
“SSSSHHH!!!” the girls interrupted.
“You can’t tell them Adam!” Kate said, slapping him on his arm.
“Why not?
“Because, you idiot, they have to figure it out for themselves!” Lydia said slapping Adam in the same place.
“Oi, stop it!” Adam said, hitting Lydia back.
“Ouch, I didn’t hit you that hard!” Lydia shrieked, punching Adam.
“Hey!” Adam shouted, returning a punch.
Mia rolled her eyes, and placed Perfection on her bedside table. She looked over at Justin and nodded to her bedroom door. He nodded back.
“Kate you grab his legs, Maddie go for bullseye!”
“No! You girls are nuts!”

The fight between the four continued, and with no one noticing, Mia and Justin slipped quietly out of the bedroom without a word to one another.

Written by Cynthia K ; 2007

3:01 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Cover Girl ; literally.

So, what do you do when you have a million magazines lying around and a friend who is just as crazy as yourself?

You make a dress out of the magazines, of course!

Yesterday, after 4 hours of some very intense magazine cutting, stapling & sticky taping, Meltem & I think we have created a masterpiece worthy of any Paris runway ;


Funnily enough, it was much more fun to make, than it was to wear. I could barely walk in it, and had to employ a tip-toe-waddle technique that should not be tried at home.



All in all, it was a fantastical day!


1:43 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
someday, i'll get used to this

I'm stll not very used to the concept of having to update this blog... & i'm very confused about what i'm supposed to write here. Hmm, i think i'l just skip that part and go onto this ;

For my Butterflies, here are a few Twilight wallpapers. They're uber simple & very plain, as TecnhicolorTaime requested when she won one of my comps. I hope you enjoy them! Comment if you're using!


12:51 AM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Birth of a Blog

Welcome to my new space on the net!

In all honesty, i'm not the kind of girl who would unleash her deepest, darkest secrets and emotions on the web, so i foresee alot of random crap being posted.

But yes, that's all i have to say for now,
but i do hav a message for my friends @ Butterfly (see below)

To my bebo friends:
If you're reading this, you already know that the days of Butterfly Skins are over. I'm sorry, but i'm sure you guys will agree that people have been moving to Facebook & Twitter, so there's no point of slaving away making skins for people who aren't there.
I'd just like to say thankyou to anyone who used even just ONE of my skins, and thankyouuuuuuu to all the people who used my skins all the timeee.

Neway, all hope is not lost, because i'll still be posting some wallpapers/edits/avatars for you guys, cos i just love you that much.

Btw, who of you have blogs? Leave a comment with ur link, i'd love to check em out!
11:48 PM

The Archives
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
October 2010
January 2011