Meaningless Words Meaningless Words

Saturday, March 27, 2010
I'll do it this afternoon

Like every other student out there, i am a kick-ass procrastinator.

Before my ass even reaches the study table chair, my minds going at 200km/hr thinking of all the things i need/want to do. Hours of drawing, cutting, photo-ing, gaming, reading, browsing and just sitting there go by before i realise i'm too tired and decide i'll study tomorow for maximum brain-power. And is it just me, or does cleaning your room seem alot more appealing when you have a pile of lecture's to catch up on?

Seriously, if i was doing a Bachelor of Procrastination, i think i would ace every exam and assessment handed to my face. Unfortunately, procrastination isn't much of a skill, and can hardly get you a job these days (what's with that?) so i'll have to ditch those fantasies.

Anyway, my procrastination leads me to awesome places sometimes i think (i've attached some proof below), so i guess i shouldn't be complaining. Hehe.


Ironically, by blogging, i am effectively procrastinating... *sighs*


Yesterday, Tony came to visit us at uni, and for a while, it was just like old times. I swear i was laughing like an idiot, and i'm sure Shwan, Meltem, Artie, Natalie & Tony would vouch for me when i say that. Although, in my defense, they're all hilarious, so really i had no choice! Baby jokes, Yo Mama jokes & ofcourse head spasming jokes. SO HILARIOUS!!!

It was nice to be all together again, but like my fb status suggests, we were missing Vennisa. If she had been there, i think i wouldve walked away with a 6 pack from all the laughing. It sucks that Tony/Nesa arn't there anymore. And Artie's kind of not there too, except in Proteins & Gene's lectures. Not that they're not fun.

7:57 PM
Friday, March 12, 2010
you light up my world.


a special someone lit up my world.


so i thought i'd share it with you :)

They are the cutest lanterns ever, are they not? They're right above my bed, and they cast a pink glow in my room that makes me feel like i'm 8! I want to leave them on all the time but obviously i can't because the sun decides to come up ... stupid sun, conspiring against me. I know it's a little childish of me to be in love with some pretty lights, but fuck that... ooh not so childish now, are we? hehe
8:22 PM
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Without You...

This blog is dedicated to the wonderful Vennisa, who we love to hate.

We just had our first week of Uni, & i couldn't help but notice that somthing was missing. At first, i thought the gap in my heart was for the hedges/bushes that they replaced with the pretty flowers... but alas, it's Nessa that has me feeling heart-broken.

fairy floss

I remember this on time, at Macarthur, when me & nesa were dead intent on buying Tamagotchi's. We raided through the sale bins at DJ's till we found ones we loved. I wonder how Nesa's is actualy. Andif she stil uses it. We all know what happened to mine, and i'd really rather not mention it on here where everyone can laugh at me.

Post-It lashes & Tamagotchiii

Newayyy, enough about Nesa, or she'll grow a head. Besides, i was starting to make it sound like she was dead. *knock on wood*

So there's something that's been bugging me for a while...
Nesa & Tony ( i miss him as well ) both mentioned that the thing they missed about me was mygiggle/laugh. That got me thinking... is it funny? or loud? or high pitched? or what? Why is it that makes it so distinguishable? I'm a bit worried atualy.

Neway to my Butterflies i swear swear swear i will give you those twilight wallpapers sometime this week. Sorry for the delay!

Bye for now :)

we're too cool
8:30 PM

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